Identification of Material Issues (Materiality)
With the basic policy of conducting asset management that seeks growth, stability and transparency, TOKYU REIT and Tokyu REIM have extracted social issues that are highly relevant to our business and identified materiality, recognizing “material issues (materiality)” for sustainable growth.
STEP 1 Derive and organize social issues
After determining major stakeholders of TOKYU REIT and Tokyu REIM, we derived and organized, with respect to their expectations, relevant social issues in reference to the objectives and targets of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), ESG disclosure standards, items surveyed by assessment bodies, issues recognized in the REIT sector, the Integrated Reports and material sustainability themes (materiality) of the Tokyu Group and such.

STEP 2 Integration and consolidation of issues
With regard to the abovementioned social issues, we organized issues from the perspective of significance considering efforts made by TOKYU REIT and Tokyu REIM thus far.

STEP 3 Reflection of opinions from officers, employees and others
We solicited opinions from all officers and employees of Tokyu REIM and also interviewed TOKYU REIT’s officers and Tokyu Corporation, the sponsor. In addition, we had an external specialized institution conduct a review.

STEP 4 Identification of material issues (materiality)
Based on the results of STEP 3, we identified material issues (materiality) to be addressed and worked to instill understanding among officers and employees of TOKYU REIT and Tokyu REIM through information-sharing.
TOKYU REIT and Tokyu REIM will contribute to the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through efforts on the following material issues (materiality).

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are global initiatives spearheaded by the United Nations and were adopted as the 2030 Agenda at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit held in September 2015. Specific goals that should be globally achieved by 2030 are presented in 17 goals and 169 targets, and companies are expected to contribute to the achievement as well.