Stakeholder Engagement

 TOKYU REIT and Tokyu REIM promote contributions toward forming a sustainable society through building positive relationships with various stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement

Major Initiatives


・Proactive information disclosure and dialogue

・Enhancing information disclosure
・Conducting proactive IR
・Acquiring external assessments and certifications


・Environmental development aimed at improving tenant safety and comfort

・Promoting disaster-preparedness and BCP measures
・Introducing green leases

Property management

・Sharing sustainability-related values and co-operating on initiatives

・Performing assessment of property management (PM) companies
・Holding joint workshops
・Upgrading to energy-efficient equipment and introducing 100% renewable energy-based power


・Realizing a work environment that enables individuals to make full use of their abilities and select work styles in a flexible manner

・Enhancing talent development programs
・Ensuring a comfortable work environment and promoting work-life balance
・Promoting diversity management

Local communities

・Contributing to development of local communities

・Collaborating with local disaster prevention activities
・Holding exchanges and events with local communities

Customer-Oriented Business Operational Policies

 To reflect the Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct published by the Financial Services Agency on March 30, 2017, Tokyu REIM created policies and engages in business operation based on them.

Please refer to this page, about the Basic Operational Policies within the Investment Corporation Asset Management Business (Customer-Oriented Business Operational Policies).